1900 census - Gililland, Gillind, Cooley
1900 U.S. census, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico Territory; Chama precinct 19, E.D. 90, sheet 4A, dwelling 80, family 82 (M. W. Gililland); National Archives Microfilm T623, Roll 1001.
Ancestry.com - Images Online (subscription)
HeritageQuest Online - Census Image (library subscription)
24 to 26 June 1900 (lines 9-10)
24 to 26 June 1900 (lines 21-26)
24 to 26 June 1900 (lines 29-34)
Ancestry.com - Images Online (subscription)
HeritageQuest Online - Census Image (library subscription)
24 to 26 June 1900 (lines 9-10)
- Gililland, M. W., Head, W[hite], F[emale], Mar 1838, 62, W[idowed], 3_[?][years married], 4 [children born], 4 [children living], Tennessee, Tennessee, Alavama [sic], Laundry, 0 [months unemployed], yes [can read], yes [can write], yes [can speak English], H[ouse]
- --- M. F., Daughter, W, F, April 1861, 39, S[ingle], Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Laundry, 0 [months unemployed], yes [can read], yes [can write], yes [can speak English]
24 to 26 June 1900 (lines 21-26)
- Gillind, James, Head, W[hite], M[ale], July 1861, 38, M[arried], 10 [years married], Texas, Kentucky, Kentucky, Marchant [sic], yes [can read], yes [can write], yes [can speak English], R[enting], H[ouse]
- --- C. L., Wife, W, F[emale], July 1875, 2[?], M, 10, 4 [children born], 4 [children living], Missouri, Missouri, Missouri, House wife, 0, yes, yes, yes
- --- James L., Son, W, M, May 1890, 10, S[ingle], Colorado, Texas, Missouri, school boy, 0, 8 [months attended school], yes, yes, yes
- --- Edwin, Son, W, M, Sept 1892, 8, S, Colorado, Texas, Missouri, school boy, 8 [months attended school], yes, yes, yes
- --- Earl, Son, W, M, Aug 1894, 6, S, New Mexico, Texas, Missouri, school boy, 8 [months attended school], yes, yes, yes
- --- George, Son, W, M, Dec 1898, 2, S, New Mexico, Texas, Missouri, no, no, yes
24 to 26 June 1900 (lines 29-34)
- Cooley N. C., [Head?], W[hite], F[emale], April 1863, 37, M?[arried], 20 [years married], 6 [children born], 5 [children living], Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, House labor, 0 [months unemployed], yes [can read], yes [can write], yes [can speak English], H[ouse]
- --- Louis, Son, W, M[ale], Mar 1881, 19, S[ingle], Colorado, Virginia, Texas, Farmer, 0, yes, yes, yes
- --- Grace, Daughter, W, F, Nov 1882, 18, S, Colorado, Virginia, Texas, School girl, 2, yes, yes, yes
- --- Della, Daughter, W, F, Feb 1885, 15, S, New Mexico, Virginia, Texas, School girl, 3, yes, yes, yes
- --- Charle, Son, W, M, April 1889, 11, S, Colorado, Virginia, Texas, School boy, 4, yes, yes, yes
- --- Claudy, Son, W, M, Aug 1892, 8, S, Colorado, Virginia, Texas, School boy, 3, yes, yes, yes